Manson Advisory Services is a leading Spanish Real Estate Consulting firm that provides a vast array of services to a diverse client base that includes individuals, corporations, financial institutions and governments. Services include strategic advisory assignments with respect to real estate investments, financing, negotiation and market climate and regulation information.
We help you through the process of finding a home and getting settled in Spain. This process includes identifyng the right property for you, helping you through the negotiation process, finding the right mortgage, helping you get the lights on and your visa issues sorted out. All of this while keeping you safe from predators and bad operators who are looking to take advantage of you.
We serve clients of all sizes, in whatever capacity we can be most useful, whether as a trusted advisor or as a hands-on teacher for those new to the Spanish real estate market. For every engagement, we customize our services to fit your needs. No matter the investment objective, we focus on delivering practical guidance, and equipping ou
We serve clients of all sizes, in whatever capacity we can be most useful, whether as a trusted advisor or as a hands-on teacher for those new to the Spanish real estate market. For every engagement, we customize our services to fit your needs. No matter the investment objective, we focus on delivering practical guidance, and equipping our clients with the knowledge base and support to achieve their Real Estate investment goals.
+34 673 499 956
Barcelona, Spain
By appointment
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